The Thomas Report

est. 2006

Just Because March 11, 2009

Filed under: 2009 — Kimberly @ 9:32 pm

I have to brag on my big babe here.  Any of you who know my Christopher (“our Christopher” when I’m praying for him) know he has a huge heart.  And while neither of us think that giving gifts is his love language, it’s totally his thing!  He goes beyond reasonable at times I tell ya!  And he surely spoils his wife.  But it’s all an expression of how incredibly crazy he is about us.  Chris is an amazing daddy to our little ones.  Oh they are crazy about him too!  So here’s what brought me to tears a few days ago….

Boy walks in from work carrying these precious flowers.  Of course I instantly blush and smile assuming…well that they were for me.  But he immediately made it clear who they were for…his daughter.  Oh I wish you could have seen how special and thrilled she felt.  Before they could even get to the card I had to grab the camera as this would be a moment I’d want to capture forever.  “Just Because” is what he told her I suppose was the reason, it’s the reason he does many things for us.  Just because she’s his girl.  Just because he’s crazy about her.  Just Because.

So they open the envelope and he reads to her his special note, words cannot express how grateful I was in that moment that those flowers were for her.  Absolutely incredible is this man!  I mean he even thought to have them put a little plush kitty cat in the arrangement.  Like we need another animal in this house, but oh how proud she is of her new gray kitty!  So he heads to the garage to “get his bag” and I head to the kitchen to get supper finished.  And Jack checks out Cissy’s flowers…

Now I did for a second in my head think, “that’s weird, why didn’t he just bring his bag in on his shoulder like he always does?”  But I just got back to work thinking nothing of it.  Then saw this fella come through the house behind a humongous arrangement of flowers.   Just Because.  Honestly.

And Mr. Thoughtful even thought to have them put in some of my favorite flower, hydrangeas. Now it’s not about the gifts he gives, we could do without every one of them.  He loves us hard and he loves us true.  And we love him that way too!  Christopher you are THE BEST!  I am beyond the moon proud of you!   -me


2 Responses to “Just Because”

  1. Christy Says:

    *sniffle* This post got me.

  2. Amy B. Says:

    Aww…..I’m tearing up …. for three reasons:
    1) So happy to see a DADDY loving his kids.
    2) So happy that my man is the same way.
    3) Overwhelmed that God does these kind of things for us too….just b/c He loves us.

    So sweet!!!! (Good job, Chris!!)

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